~I release myself (my family, my friends [can name them individually]) into the hands of love.

~ I am the love in all things.

~ I have no need to hold on to anything because I am the love in all things.

~ It is safe for me to let go of all worry and just reveal the love that I am.

~ I let go of all responsibility except the responsibility to be love.

~ I trust in the power of love to heal my body.

~ I trust in the love given to me by my doctors (family, friends, etc.) to help my body heal itself.

~ I let go of all worry about the future, knowing that as I yield to love, the very best things possible will happen.

~ When I feel afraid, I love my fear.

~ When I feel anxious, I love my anxiety.

~ When I start to feel that I need to be in control, I love my feeling that I need to be in control.
~ I am not afraid of any of my feelings. I love all my feelings.

~ All my feelings are trying to help me get well. I include them in love so that I may truly get well.

~ I am thankful for all the opportunities I have to learn the lessons of love.

~ I find it easier and easier each day to let go and just be love.

~ I let the power of love heal me.

~ As I yield to love, my body feels better and better.

~ I now release all negative thoughts I've picked up from others (through my medical treatment, etc.).

~ I am my healing source.

~ I receive healing.

~ I deserve to be healed.

~ I deserve to feel perfectly well.

~ Love and light are with me always.

~ I am eternally safe in the light.

~ I am always with the light.

~ The light is always with me.

~ I am the light.

~ I ask that the divine, universal spirit bring total healing into my life.

~ It is now safe for me to open to love.

~ I no longer need to clench.

~ I relax into the perfect spiritual pattern for my body.

~ I am light.

~ I allow my body to more fully receive the light of who I am.

~ I allow my struggle and resistance to receive the light of who I am.

~ I am the light that created my body and that now recreates it.

~ I am the light of total and absolute love manifested in my body.

~ I am the love that assuages all my fears.

~ I no longer have to struggle.

~ I open to my healing power twenty-four hours a day.

~ I give my healing power full permission to heal my body.

~ My healing power is healing me even when I'm doubting it.

~ I now allow myself to stay focused on receiving healing energy, even in the presence of painful symptoms.

~ I receive healing energy directly into all areas of need.

~ My pain is simply a reminder to open to healing energy.

~ I continue to receive healing power.

~ I am receiving healing in all that I do.

~ I now know that I am the source of healing for my body.

~ I am harmonious.

~ I receive health.

~ I am the source of my health.

~ I receive love.

~ I release myself into love.

~ I accept my anger.

~ I love my anger.

~ I accept my frustration.

~ I love my frustration. (You cannot go past your frustration, for instance, but you can go through it. Love your frustration and it will change. There is power in acceptance and love. If you battle your frustration, it will entrench itself.

~ I open to my frustration.

~ It is all right for me to feel angry and frustrated.

~ I relax into my anger and frustration.

~ I love and accept my body exactly the way it is, just as a mother loves and accepts her child exactly the way he (she) is.

~ Healing flows from my love and acceptance of my body.

~ I allow myself to be fully in harmony.

~ I let go of all my limiting concepts about myself.

~ The Power of Words ~
by Takara © 2003 Spirit of Nature
spiritofnature. org/wordart. htm
Excerpted from "Manifesting Your Beloved"

Healing Mudras, for Confidence, Health, Prosperity


A mudra is a bodily posture or symbolic gesture. In Hindu and Buddhist iconography every Buddha is depicted with a characteristic gesture of the hands. Such gestures correspond to natural gestures (of teaching, protecting, and so on) and also to certain aspects of the Buddhist teaching or of the particular Buddha depicted.

The origins of the word mudra are uncertain as is the precise evolution of its meaning. At a very early period in the post-Vedic literature of India the term mudra designated the idea of a seal or the imprint left by a seal. Somewhat later usage takes on the meaning of “way of holding the fingers”, designating very precisely a ritual gesture. The Pali word for mudra, muddika, derives from mudda, meaning authority. There is thus a developing inter-relationship in these meanings of a gesture enhancing and authenticating the spoken word with mystic and magical values. The gesture is a sign, a ritual seal; seal implies authenticity. As Buddhism spread to China a further usage of the term came to identify mudras as ‘marks of identify’ of the deity being personified.

The symbolic hand gestures called mudras are of two general types. First, the most ancient form of mudras, dating from pre-Buddhist times, are those presented with the purpose as signs symbolic of the metaphysical aspect of Esoteric ceremonies. Mudras used in this sense are of significant importance in the rites of Tibetan Tantrism, Chinese Chen-yen and Japanese Shingon Buddhism. This, of course, is within the larger context of Tantric meditation where the Three Mysteries, or the forces of the spirit, speech, and the body are directed at the one and only goal: enlightenment.

Mudras, along with asanas (reflecting the body), mandalas (reflecting the spirit) and mantras (reflecting speech) all provide expedient means in achieving enlightenment. Apart from acknowledging this important aspect of the ritualistic use of mudras in certain schools of Buddhism and the importance of Tantrism in contributing to the expanded use of mudras, our attention is instead directed to the other general type of mudra, the purely iconographic, as represented in Buddhist/Hindu sculpture and painting.

The use of the mudras is quite common in the Hindu Poojas, Tantric worships, Yoga and also in Classical Indian dances. In Hindu iconography, the deities are often depicted with their hands making various mudras - like the twin gestures of dispelling fears and granting boons. Various deities have several specific mudras which are associated with them. They are used by the practitioner for various purposes - like activating the various nerve centers, to convey a feeling or to appease a deity etc.

Something to keep in mind, in Natya Sastra (classical dance) and in Yoga also there are several similarly named mudras which are at times quite different from the Pooja mudras. For example the Yoni mudra used in Yoga is totally different from the Yoni mudra used in Pooja.

Each finger represents one of the five elements—the thumb is agni (fire), the forefinger is vayu (air), the middle finger is akash (ether), the ring finger is prithvi (earth) and the little finger is jal (water).

There are two types of mudras, single-hand and double-hand. The single-handed mudras number 28 and are called Aasanyukta. There are 23 double-handed mudras called Sawyakta


ABHAYA (ABHAYAPRADA): Gesture of fearlessness and granting protection.

The Abhaya, or fearlessness gesture is one of the most commonly depicted mudras, representing benevolence and the absence of fear. The gesture confers onto others the same freedom from fear, so this mudra can also be interpreted to mean “fear not”. The gesture is made with the right hand raised to shoulder height, with the arm bent and the palm facing outward. A Buddhist legend tells of when the historical Buddha was being attacked by an angry elephant, he simply held up his hand in the fearlessness gesture and calmed the raging animal.

AHAMKARA: Self-confidence.

Self-confidence and self-assertion. For counteracting fear and timidity. Bend index fingers slightly and put the upper phalanx of the thumb to the side of the middle phalanx of the index finger, at the upper part. Other fingers are straight.

AKASH (AAKASH / AKASHI): Sky posture.

The sky has an attribute - recess or space. Another attribute is sound. Sound is regarded as the eternal spirit. Sound travels in waves, which are scattered in the sky. By catching the sound waves, we are able to hear these on radio. As the sky provides space outside, so is the sky spreads inside. The lack or excess of elements in the sky outside leads to imbalance. The third attribute of the sky is vacuum or nothingness. This is the attribute that fills the sky. The sky can be filled only when it has nothing. How can already filled sky be filled? The yoga helps practice meditation in the inner space. Emotions get purified when one concentrates in the heart. The middle finger and the heart are interrelated.

Thumb and middle finger are joined. Index, ring, and pinky fingers are extended. Mana (head) mudra. Mana mudras form an integral part of kundalini yoga because they utilize eyes, ears, nose, tongue and lips.

Sawyakta Double Hand ANJALI (GASSHO / HRIDAYA / NAMASKARA): Gesture of greeting and adoration, veneration, honor or celebration, the diamond handclasp.

The gesture of two palms pressed together and held near the heart, means to "honor or celebrate". It is our Hindu greeting, two joined as one, the bringing together of matter and spirit, the self meeting the self in all. This mudra is reserved for praying figures, which often accompany a statue of the Buddha in the art of India or South East Asia. The Anjali is made with two hands joined vertically in front of the chest, as in the attitude of prayer. This mudra evokes an offering of good feelings of one towards another. This mudra can also indicate veneration if it is made at the level of the face. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body.

Universally used by people in India and South-East Asia for salutation, it evokes an offering of good feelings, of one’s person, etc. and also indicates veneration if it is made at the level of the face.

Gives energy and makes one more self-confident. The tip of the second and the third fingers should be slightly pressed against the inner part of the tip of the thumb as shown. The other two fingers should be kept straight. Improves the excretory system by cleaning the waste from the body, cures constipation and stomach aches caused due to which.

First aid for heart attacks. The tip of the index finger should be pressed slightly against the root of the thumb and second and the third finger should touch the inner tip of the thumb. Cures palpitation of the heart, strengthens the heart and is good for heart patients.

Improves feeling and intuition and helps maintain the fluid balance in the body. Tip of little finger (Mercury) touches tip of thumb for clear and intuitive communication. Harmonizing.

BRIHASPATI: Planet Jupiter.

With the two index fingers together, the power of Jupiter, or good luck and expansion is activated. Together they focus your energy to break through barriers.

Shikhara with both hands as if holding the sacred thread.

GANESHA: The Elephant God.

Ganesha is the elephant god who overcomes all obstacles. Reportedly, this mudra stimulates heart and lung activity and opens the fourth chakra supplying courage, confidence, and openness to other people. Hold your left palm in front of your heart with the palm facing away from you. Face your right palm toward you and hook the fingers. Take a deep breath in; as you exhale strongly pull the hands away from each other without releasing the fingers. On your inhalation release, still keeping the fingers linked. Do this six times. Let the hands, still linked, rest against your sternum for a moment. Then repeat the same exercise with the hands facing in opposite directions. Sit quietly for a moment and notice the energy in the heart and lung areas.

GYAN (GIN / GNYAN / GUYAN / JNANA): Posture of knowledge, instruction by silence or contemplation, Gesture of teaching, intuitive knowledge.

Touch the tip of your thumb with the tip of your index finger and keep the remaining fingers absolutely straight. This mudra increases mental power and sharpens memory. Increases brain power, mental concentration, memory, intellect. Cures insomnia, if done in the night by relieving tension inducing peaceful sleep. In meditation the flow of energy increases towards the astral self. Hasta (hand), meditative mudra. Redirects the prana emitted by hands back into body.

HAKINI: Body, mind and soul.

Help for concentration. Let the tips of the corresponding fingers of each hand touch. People tend to naturally put their fingers in this position while talking. This helps to concentrate. This finger position has been researched quite well; it has been determined that it promotes the cooperation between the right and left brain hemispheres. It is also recommended today in memory training. It opens access to the right hemisphere, which is where the memory is stored. This mudra also improves and deepens respiration, and the brain profits from it as well.

This mudra calms the mind. It is powerful and can change character traits and eliminates addictive behavior. The middle fingers of both hands should touch at the tips. The first two joints of the index finger and the thumbs should touch.


Making a gesture below the waist to signal the easing of sorrow.

KUBERA: Make a wish.

Opens and decongests, cleanses the frontal sinuses, especially if you draw the air upward while inhaling. It also gives us inner repose, confidence, and serenity. The practice is simple. In your mind, formulate your wish or goal very clearly into words. Ask your heart whether this is good for you and whether it enriches your surrounding world. Now place the three fingers together, phrase your wish in a positive way, as you say it out loud three times. Press your fingers together while you do this.

Strengthens the breathing impulse in the solar plexus.

PRAN (PRANA): Vital air posture.

Life mudra, helps fatigue, nervousness and is vitalizing. The vital air (pran vayu) enters the lungs along with breath. In turn, lungs mix it with blood and send it to the heart. Action of combustion starts when glucose present in cells and vital air (oxygen) present in blood come into contact, which produces energy The pranacharya have identified five types of air in the body - pran, apaan, samaan, udaan and vyaan.

They are spread in various parts of the body. It is the pran that energizes the body. Excess or deficiency of pran creates imbalance. Pran mudra is used to strike the balance of pran and keep the body energetic. Vayu means wind. Any disorder of this element in the body is taken care with this mudra. Helps in pains, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, paralysis and any blood circulatory disorder. Also corrects the disorder of the gas in the stomach.

The tips of the ring finger and little finger should be slightly pressed against the tip of the thumb. Increases life force, immunity, increases muscular strength, removes fatigue, nervousness, increases power of the eyes and reduces the number of the spectacles. Kaya (postural) utilizes asanas with breathing and concentration.

Helps insecurity, stimulates the liver and stomach. The earth element is also a constituent in the formation of the body. It is a gross element, which has more weight content. By Prithvi mudra, the earth element is balanced. The earth is a fundamental element, which helps evolution of life. It is like a mother to living beings. The earth has endurance capacity. The Jain scriptures exhort ascetics to make themselves like earth. 'Prithvi same muni hveja'. The Prithvi mudra is useful for developing the quality of steadiness. A steadfast person can be forbearing. The earth tolerates all types of circumstances. Whatever be the conditions - winter, summer or rains - the earth remains balanced. Not only this, the earth forgives all those who defile it and pollute the environment. The solid element, present in the body, is a part of the earth. We take earth element only from the food we eat. The deficiency of earth element weakens the body. The Prithvi mudra is useful for the development of earth element in the body. The ring finger, which denotes the earth element, is used in worshipping and applying auspicious mark (tilak).

Sit down comfortably. Touch your ring finger to the tip of the thumb and press it little. Rest three fingers should be held straight and then keep your palm at your knee. Removes physical weakness, increases vitality, luster and glow and gives chetna shakti, gives life to the sick and bliss to the healthy. Strengthens and energies the body and makes the mind liberal and happy. Makes the body balanced and smart.

In honor of Shakti, the goddess of life energy. This practice stimulates breathing in the lower chest area. It has a calming effect and will help you to sleep at night. It can also help to counteract spasms in the intestines and menstrual cramps. Touch the tip of your right ring and pinky fingers to your left ring and pinky fingers. Bend your other fingers lightly over your thumbs. Breathe deeply into your abdomen, all the way into the pelvic bowl. Make the exhalation as slow as possible. Do as needed or three times daily for 12 minutes. May induce lethargy if overdone.

This is a good mudra for handling depression. Place hands on the thighs and place the tip of the thumb on the root of the little finger. Encircle your thumbs with the other four fingers while slowly inhaling. Hold your breath for a few moments. Slowly exhale and then open your hands.

VAJRAPRADAMA: Gesture of unshakable confidence.

The fingertips of the hands are crossed. The fingertips of the hands are crossed, representing unshakable confidence.

source: http://www. bellaterreno. com/art/a_religion/buddhism/buddhist_mudra. aspx

How to Love Yourself

How To Love Yourself
Louise L. Hay
We spend so much of our time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, searching, yearning for that special love. Feeling empty and lost without it. Wanting someone to give us love and fill us up. Unfortunately, that’s not usually how life works. You will draw to you exactly what you create in life, and what you believe you are worthy of. So loving yourself can create love in your life.


1. Take a realistic evaluation of yourself. Be honest with yourself about how valuable you believe you are as a person. The way you see yourself and treat yourself is the very way others will see you and treat you.
Do you see yourself as valuable, worthy of the gift of love? More importantly, do you treat yourself lovingly and as a valuable being? It’s ok to be truthful with yourself, it may not be pretty! Awareness is the first and more powerful step on the path to change!

2. Forgive yourself if you ever believe you aren't worthy of love. After all, there were probably things in your childhood or previous years that created that belief for you. It simply isn’t true; every being on this planet is worthy of love, after all, love is what we are here for, it’s what it’s all about. Say to yourself now; “I forgive myself for believing that I was not worthy of love.” Go look in a mirror and say it out loud to yourself, look yourself right in the eyes and say it like you mean it. Go on, I’ll wait.

3. Post this affirmation up someplace where you will see it each and every day; "I have the courage to believe that I am worthy of love." Read it out loud, every day, at least once, ideally at least ten times each time you notice it. Sticky notes are fabulous for affirmations.

4. Take action and make those words real. Begin loving and valuing yourself. It is said that you cannot give away what you do not have.
So, if you are not able to love and accept yourself unconditionally, how in the world are you going to love and accept anyone else unconditionally? Much less accept that love in return from them?

5. Remember that love is not a feeling, it is a choice! Make the choice to love yourself. After all, who deserves it more? The more loving you are to yourself, the more loving you will be able to be to everyone around you. Family and friends will especially benefit from this. Make a choice to come from a place of love for yourself and for everyone who is important in your life.

6. Think about what you need to fill that emptiness inside, that place that is longing for love. What specifically do you need? Find the answer and then give it to yourself.
No one is more capable of loving you, and giving you exactly what you need than you are! When you learn how to fulfill yourself in that way, you stop searching for it outside of yourself and you suddenly begin attracting it to you! You change yourself from a sponge to a magnet! People see you radiating self love and they are drawn to you!

7. Keep a journal. Write about your experiences, good and bad. When you write down your good experiences allow yourself to feel those good feelings again. When you remember the bad experiences, allow yourself to feel pride. Pride because you faced a challenge in your life and you are here today to write about it, which must mean you are a survivor and a fighter. Tell yourself, "I know pain, but I've yet to be introduced to surrender." Keep on keeping on.


* Here's something to try saying every day. Place it on your mirror. It always helps: "Look in the mirror and what do I see? A beautiful boy/girl staring back at me!" "Oh wow!" I thought.
Who could that be? [smile and say] "Oh! It's most definitely me!"

* Keep a list of the things you love about your self or things you've done that if you saw someone else do them, you would love them.
For instance, if you scored more in basketball, write it down, then eventually you can build up more pros, to help you know why to love yourself (if you're analytical)

Success ~ Lesson 1

You may have come here for many different reasons, but the results can all be the same: SUCCESS. Success for everyone can mean a lot of different things, it could be money, social freedom, spirituality, time with your family, becoming your own boss, or even enhance what you are currently doing. Maybe for you the change will mean you become the first million dollar producer with your company or watching your child take the steps toward the podium on graduation day. Success is a journey, over the next few lessons I am excited to help you take this journey and change your life and results forever!

My goal is to educate you on how to become successful and take action to create the results you desire. In order to do this, I will share with you words of success and exercises to follow daily to create your own success.

I want to thank you for joining me, we will cover:

1. How you can actually achieve the goals you desire by changing your thoughts, decisions, and actions.
2. How to apply these simple principles in your everyday life to change your results forever.

Each lesson will walk you through a simple step by step process that has changed thousands of lives and created success for many people. I will share with you exercises and situations that have been utilized by people around the world for thousands of years. And finally, I will give you the tools to start immediately and have an impact on your life RIGHT NOW!

So let's get started.

Let's discuss results for a moment. Results can simply be that you are not getting the raise you want or you can't spend the time with your children that you and they deserve. The principles and opportunities I am about to share with you today will begin to affect you and change the way you think immediately.

The definition of Insanity is - Doing the same thing and expecting different results.

Wow, How many times do we expect our results to be different, yet we do the same things day after day. In order for you to change your actions you must first change the decisions you make. To change your decisions you must change your thoughts.

Sounds simple right? Well let's look at this in an easy formula for you to follow.

Thoughts + Decisions + Actions = RESULTS

So if you are not getting the results that you desire, you must go back to the simple formula and change your thoughts. So by following this formula, you can change and achieve the results andgoals that you are looking for in your life, work, and your relationships. In order for this to happen you must take the steps necessary.

1. Create positive thoughts that you believe will get the results you are looking for.
2. Make immediate decisions on those thoughts.
3. Take immediate action to achieve the results you desire.

Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly; Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their mind quickly
-Andy Andrews


In order to have the things in your life you desire, you must be willing to change your thoughts. Before you can have anything new in your life you must be GRATEFUL for the things that you have today.

Write 10 things that you are grateful for: You can be truly grateful about anything- your family, your home, food, love, or your artwork - you get the idea be personal with your answers.

This will not take much of your time, but you will recognize how much you will evolve. Perception is reality. Your thoughts become your reality and the way you perceive yourself. Your past results have been reflections of your past thoughts.

Next time we will expand on this and show you how this opportunity can give you the success you want in the areas of your life that you believe change is a necessity. This is setting the foundation for the next 6 lessons and opens your mind to the possibilities you never dreamed were possible. Congratulations for making a decision to change your life and the results you deserve.

Dare to Empower Yourself!

If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

The Law of Spiritual Guidance and Life Purpose

Everyone comes to planet earth with a team of spiritual guides or helpers to back them with their life purpose. These are souls that have accomplished everything you are involved in one way or another and have mastered it in themselves. This is why you chose them Before you were born, you and your guardian angels started to send energy to your physical body in the womb to help it grow and mature into a normal human being.

This is why there is always a beautiful “aura” around pregnant women a few months before they give birth. The silver cord starts to attach itself a few weeks before birth. If everyone understood what happens spiritually as a soul moves into this school, then there would not be the moral issues created around the birthprocess. Of course, if you destroy the physical body before it has a chance to come in to do its work, then the soul has to find another avenue or wait until a later time to accomplish its purpose.

At the same time, since our true nature is that we are a soul and not a physical body, it is impossible to keep a soul from entering the planet one way or another. There are many souls that have to wait for a long time to be able to come back in. Most people are taught that they have at least one guardian angel or spiritual guide. For people who came with a life purpose to accomplish more in the physical realm, there is not a great need for more than one or two guides to help them. These are the people who only need an inspiration to help put great theories together.
For people who came to work with people, however, it is not unusual to bring three or more spiritual helpers with them. It is important to understand how to communicate with people from all walks of life. Communication is the key to living a successful life. If you can’t communicate with yourself, it is invariably more difficult to communicate with others.

There is a Biblical passage that emphasizes this inner communication: If a man have an angel to whom one would listen once in a thousand times, the angel would show him the way of uprightness.

JOB 33:23

If a person comes from a more traditional or religious belief system, he or she will usually refer to this divine inspiration as “angels” or “the HolySpirit.” If someone has studied metaphysics or is involved with Eastern philosophy, he or she is more likely to call them “guides.” Whatever you call them, they are one and the same. There are not ten million different systems in the Cosmos, there is only one. Unfortunately, there are ten million different names for the same experience or phenomena. This is why there is so much confusion or competition on planet earth.

Actually, the word “angel” comes from the Hebrew word “mal’akh,” meaning “messenger.” The original term came from the Persian (angeros) and the Greek (angelos) which means “courier.” All of these names refer to a celestial spirit who gives us divine guidance from the universe. Since most of ancient culture is based on experience and not scientific theories, these people knew they received inspiration from something apart from themselves.

Your spiritual helpers or guides are not people you have known during your lifetime.. They are souls who have learned every lesson there is to learn on planet earth and they are there to help you to get to their level of awareness. They are totally benevolent. This is what makes a “high soul." Just because an individual is an “old soul” doesn’t mean that they have “graduated” from the earth plane. It takes someone who has mastered their experience on planet earth to help someone else really understand who they are and where they are going in life. They needed to have a symbol to communicate to the masses about this inspiration.

There is a bird that never starts to fly until it knows where it is going. This is the dove. When they wanted to symbolize the crystal-clear message from these helpers, they decided to put wings on the body of a child. This is where the image of the cherub was born. It can also be traced back to the original Greek and Roman mythology of “Eros” and “Cupid” - both symbols of divine love and inspiration.

Of course, our guardian angels do not really have wings. This is the conception of the original artists. The Bible is full of symbols and parables. This is so that everyone can relate to it and be able to receive inspiration at their level of consciousness. If we take all of the religious writings that have become available to us throughout the ages literally, we miss the point or essence of what the author was telling us. Because of the many translations through history, sometimes even a word or phrase canchange the meaning of an entire concept.

People think that they cannot talk to their guides or angels, but the opposite is true. You are always receiving inspiration from your spiritual guidance. As a matter of fact, it is not unusual for you to pick up 80 to 90 hunches or feelings a day from them When your angels or guides come around you, they give you a surge of energy throughout your nervous system. Some people call these “chills or goose bumps.” In Hawaii, the native people call it “chicken skin.”

Whatever you call it, it means that your angels are close to you and want to communicate with you. Sometimes they want to tell you something that will help you accomplish your life purpose. At other times, it is to warn you not to movein a certain direction. You have the ability to communicate with them directly.

Since they are energy – and you are energy, there are practical techniques which enable you to develop a two-way communication. They will always be with you no matter what. Even if you decide to go off on a different path than what you originally planned, they will always protect and guide you. They will never put you in situations that you cannot cope with. Even if you end up very confused, they never judge or tell you what todo.

They have ultimate patience because they have been through it. Once you realize that you have gone down an avenue that may not be healthy for you spiritually, then your spiritual guidance can assist you more and you will feel closer to them. Have you ever had the experience where you felt that you were being guided or that you said something that you did not know you knew? This is when your spiritual guides are really working closely with you to help yourself and the people around you. Consider them a team, a spiritual Board of Directors of your life, so that you do not put them higher or in greater esteem than you have for yourself.

Remember, they are no different from you. They are simply more organized spiritually and they do not need to return to this school to learn more lessons. They have already mastered everything here. Your life purpose is not to build great buildings or find the cure to the great diseases that are plaguing mankind. These are the by products of our purpose for being here.

Your real purpose is the spiritual message that you came to share with people everyday. Of course, you have to do it for yourself first. Some people think that “someday” they will achieve their purpose in life. Guess what? You have been doing it your entire life! You are an example of how you live your life.

Have you ever wondered why certain people are attracted to you and maybe not to others? This is because they came to learn something from you. We all learn from each other, but sometimes this feeling or affinity is very strong. Believe it or not, it is true that when we get impatient with certain people it is because they have not quite learned what they need to learn from us yet. Isn’t that why it is important to be patient with others around uswhile they are searching for their niche?

We have all the help we need to be successful in life. You do not need to be rich to be happy, although it is also important not to deny yourself as well. Many people think that by acquiring many possessions that this will make them happy. There is a big difference between being comfortable and being happy. Your spiritual guidance will help you acquire and achieve whatever you need to accomplish your life purpose. You did not come here to deny your needs or your wants.

The key is to enjoy everything you have and not let anything keep you tied down to the point where you never do what you came to do. If you are depressed, it means that you do not have personal direction. You may feel that others control your destiny. Only when you realize that no one can keep you from accomplishing what is right and good in your life, will you earn back the enthusiasm that is so important.

Your spiritual helpers cannot do anything for you. You have to do it for yourself! This is why some people pass on without fulfilling their purpose. They may feel that it was up to someone else to tell them what to do. They end up confused. Only by setting your own personal direction, can your spiritual guides help and back you to achieve your life dreams.

~Original author unknown but greatly appreciated.

Saying Thank You

When we ask for something from an unseen world - spirit guides, angels - it is important to make sure to close the connection by saying "thank you." When we connect with these guides it is like placing an energetic phone call. Forgetting to close the call with a "good-bye and thank you" is like leaving that phone line open. Other's are unable to make a connection and energies are drained. Saying "thank you" is a way of releasing our concerns while putting our trust into a divine order so the universe can work on our behalf.

One of my favorite things to ask for is a safe journey when traveling on the road, and living in the "Valley of the Sun" Arizona, when I head out in the middle of summer I may also ask to find a "shady" parking space and then say "thank you and good-bye." If I am in a hurry, I ask for a parking spot up front. My journey is safe, I have a shady spot for my car or that up front parking.

I ask for spirit assistance in many areas of my life, every day and express my gratitude even when things do not quite work out as I requested. I always feel we receive what we need at the time and sometimes someone else is more in "need" and I am a student to learn about the needs of others ... I express my gratitude for the other person as well. Hallelujah! I say.

While our spirit guides do not require our gratitude, we bring ourselves to a sense of being grateful and we affirm what is already done. We then move forward with the confidence to do all those things we are meant to do. And in doing so we know, that all will be well and all manner of things will be well.
(c) 2008 ~ Coach Brenda

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