~I release myself (my family, my friends [can name them individually]) into the hands of love.

~ I am the love in all things.

~ I have no need to hold on to anything because I am the love in all things.

~ It is safe for me to let go of all worry and just reveal the love that I am.

~ I let go of all responsibility except the responsibility to be love.

~ I trust in the power of love to heal my body.

~ I trust in the love given to me by my doctors (family, friends, etc.) to help my body heal itself.

~ I let go of all worry about the future, knowing that as I yield to love, the very best things possible will happen.

~ When I feel afraid, I love my fear.

~ When I feel anxious, I love my anxiety.

~ When I start to feel that I need to be in control, I love my feeling that I need to be in control.
~ I am not afraid of any of my feelings. I love all my feelings.

~ All my feelings are trying to help me get well. I include them in love so that I may truly get well.

~ I am thankful for all the opportunities I have to learn the lessons of love.

~ I find it easier and easier each day to let go and just be love.

~ I let the power of love heal me.

~ As I yield to love, my body feels better and better.

~ I now release all negative thoughts I've picked up from others (through my medical treatment, etc.).

~ I am my healing source.

~ I receive healing.

~ I deserve to be healed.

~ I deserve to feel perfectly well.

~ Love and light are with me always.

~ I am eternally safe in the light.

~ I am always with the light.

~ The light is always with me.

~ I am the light.

~ I ask that the divine, universal spirit bring total healing into my life.

~ It is now safe for me to open to love.

~ I no longer need to clench.

~ I relax into the perfect spiritual pattern for my body.

~ I am light.

~ I allow my body to more fully receive the light of who I am.

~ I allow my struggle and resistance to receive the light of who I am.

~ I am the light that created my body and that now recreates it.

~ I am the light of total and absolute love manifested in my body.

~ I am the love that assuages all my fears.

~ I no longer have to struggle.

~ I open to my healing power twenty-four hours a day.

~ I give my healing power full permission to heal my body.

~ My healing power is healing me even when I'm doubting it.

~ I now allow myself to stay focused on receiving healing energy, even in the presence of painful symptoms.

~ I receive healing energy directly into all areas of need.

~ My pain is simply a reminder to open to healing energy.

~ I continue to receive healing power.

~ I am receiving healing in all that I do.

~ I now know that I am the source of healing for my body.

~ I am harmonious.

~ I receive health.

~ I am the source of my health.

~ I receive love.

~ I release myself into love.

~ I accept my anger.

~ I love my anger.

~ I accept my frustration.

~ I love my frustration. (You cannot go past your frustration, for instance, but you can go through it. Love your frustration and it will change. There is power in acceptance and love. If you battle your frustration, it will entrench itself.

~ I open to my frustration.

~ It is all right for me to feel angry and frustrated.

~ I relax into my anger and frustration.

~ I love and accept my body exactly the way it is, just as a mother loves and accepts her child exactly the way he (she) is.

~ Healing flows from my love and acceptance of my body.

~ I allow myself to be fully in harmony.

~ I let go of all my limiting concepts about myself.

~ The Power of Words ~
by Takara © 2003 Spirit of Nature
spiritofnature. org/wordart. htm
Excerpted from "Manifesting Your Beloved"

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