If you were like me in my youth, you probably made a lot of wishes. Some of the came true but more than likely most did not. So when I became an adult, I decided to see if there might just be a more reliable process to my wishes. I have been experimenting with a variety of spiritual concepts and "secrets" that may be of use.
I recently had a client who had fallen on some rather tough "economic" times. He needed to attract $15,000 in monthly income to keep his business intact.
He did not have the $15,000 a month. But he wanted it. "Absolutely, I want to save my business more than anything."
The "flaws" in his wishing process are affirming that he does not have the cash flow and reinforcing both a mind-set and a vibration that creates an energy barrier to ever getting it. By saying he "wants" the money, he is reinforcing the condition of want.
In this moment, he does not have the $15,000, but does hope to get it sometime in the future.
He says, "Sometime soon, I need it straight away."
He was making it clear in his thinking, he was believing and experiencing the loss of his business, and was in tremendous need. Both are guaranteed wish-breakers, at least when it comes to manifesting money or wealth.
Now, one of my favorite words from childhood was "Hallelujah." My Mother and Auntie would say this word often when they received something unexpected or in relation to someone they knew was in need. My church leaders used this word every Sunday in their sermons. I came to love the word. I would "hallelujah" everything from my dolls to my dog.
So I began thinking again on this magical word. It is really quite simple, a single word to make all your wishes come true. It is layered in happiness .. a feel good word tied back to generations of this world. It is a rock solid word. The kind that just wakes up the Universe, the kind of word that makes wishes come true.
But before we can use this word, we must understand how we are creating our wishes and why we want our visualizations to come true. We must clarify our desires so that they are created for the greater good of everyone. The problem most people have with achieving their desires is that they choose things that provide temporary relief from the pain they are experiencing. There is no sense of surrender, of trading for something finer, more peaceful and more universal. In the end, if this benefits only you, you must defend and protect it, building walls against others, and against forces of assistance that surround you and help you to grow.
Before you start to wish or visualize, ask yourself these questions:
1) How will other people benefit?
2) What would make me happy?
3) Why do I believe this will make me happy?
4) Why is this important to me now?
5) Who else do I know who has this, or something similar to this?
6) When do I want this to happen
7) Where do I end up as a result?
8) How do I act towards others when I have this?
9) Whom do I accept, love or forgive as a result of having this?
10) How will having this define me?
The answers to are key pieces to the manifestation process. They reduce or eliminate our fear of change as we can see what is likely to happen to us and those around us. They strengthen our belief that what we do desire is possible, and beliefs always over-ride thought when it comes to receiving or repelling what we want. And, they help us see that is is impossible to create anything in a vacuum. Whatever we want must be good for us, and those around us.
Once we are perfectly clear, we can create what we want either through wishing, visualization, or both. Wishing really is short term visualization, so I start with wishing, and then expand it into a full mental scene where I am experiencing what I want with all my senses ~ sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, and intuition. Visualization allows us to have something right away. No waiting and no wanting. It allows us to get comfortable with having what we want. We can experience in the pleasure, love, and peace of something that is good and right. If your mind tends to drift, it is helpful to create a "story-book," a journal, CD, or tape with your dream coming true in the present. I will share this personal tool in another blog.
Once this is done, it is "Hallelujah!" time. Simply look for the evidence all around you on an physical plane. Just as visualization is a "here and now" for the mind and spirit, "Hallelujah!" is the "here and now" on the physical plane. For my client who wants the $15,000 for his business, I suggested he look around for people who already have and are spending that kind of money building or maintaining their businesses. Instead of feeling jealous or bitter, he should say out loud, "Hallelujah!, there is another one." Cheer for an other's success. "Lots of people have this, so why not me?" Another benefit of this process is that the man is reading, watching, and learning about how those with abundant money run their business, spend their money, moving their product, or saving their incomes. Note: It is most powerful to say the word "hallelujah!" out loud, from the horses mouth so to speak.
If you have difficulty blessing others with praise, start small with the simpler things around you: the flowers in bloom, the visible stars in the sky, the snowflakes during a storm, the smell of fresh baking bread from the bakery around the corner. Over time, you will come to know that abundance exists everywhere, everyday and all the time. By appreciating and being thankful for unlimited natural wealth, you can relax and enjoy the idea that there is no lacking of anything in the universe.
Be thankful for every job that comes your way, every dollar, every new opportunity. It is possible to go from very little to $15,000 a month, but you must believe this can happen. "Hallelujah! is another piece for your wishing to come true. You will attract into your life, perhaps slowly at first but surely.
Focus your attention on enjoying everything you receive and you will get even more than what you had bargained for. Wish or visualization, it is done right here, right now. Focus on this moment, a wall built up on tomorrow cannot be penetrated today.
Let your heart speak. Listen with your eyes. Your wish is granted.
(c) Coach Brenda ~ 2008